Dining at Taqueria El Vecino
“We think the recovery is largely underway, but there is still some considerable uncertainty on the path we have ahead.” Quote from Charlie Ripley, taken from the AJC 6/12/20
The above quote sums up our opinion on the current Covid-19 pandemic. The virus is still active and cases are rising as public socialization increases. We will maintain the outside, full service seating with an increased number of tables through this week end and into early next week. Sometime next week we will open inside with socially distanced seating. We will NOT open to full capacity. As a community restaurant, we feel that we must try to make everyone comfortable with our service decisions. While allowing limited indoor service we will continue the online and take out service to accommodate those with hi risk family members and those that at this point in time still feel the dangers of dining in are too risky. Our sanitation practices and contact precautions will remain stringent. Those that choose to dine at the Taqueria, inside or outside, as well as our staff, must also feel that we are providing a safe environment. In our opinion, opening at full capacity with Covid-19 cases on the rise is not safe at this point. There will be ample seating but it will be distanced!!
By Monday 6/15 we will have an online waiting app available on our website, FB page and on YELP. Please use this widget to get on the waitlist. This will alleviate clusters of folks waiting for a table. The Waitlist App will send you a message when your table is almost ready so that you may head on over from where you have decided to wait. You may order a drink while you wait but you cannot wait inside.
The process for ordering takeout will remain the same. Call or place online! Do not walk up to place the order, this creates unsafe situations and slows down our process by taking stationed employees away from their primary duties. We will text you when your order is ready. Until we get a handle on the number of folks dining in and the number opting for takeout we will give you an approximate pick up time, that will most likely be longer than the time the order will take to prepare. We do this to avoid clusters of folks mingling outside or circling the parking lot. During peak hours it may take longer to prepare. Please wait for the text!!
This is not over and we ask that everyone remain cautious and diligent in hand washing, spacing and face covering when possible!
Taqueria el Vecino